Tag: conservatory
By Selma Gokcen March 10, 2014
Subjects Playing Healthy
Tags accuracy, activity, Alexander Technique, cello, cellobello, conditioning, conservatory, Coordination, delivery, F.M. Alexander, Gokcen, habit, hours of practicing, necessity, Practice Room, Primary Control, relentless repetitive motions, repetition, results, Selma, the Use of the Self, young instrumentalists
By Robert Battey December 15, 2013
Subjects Practicing
Tags accents, alignment, Awareness, Bach, Bach Cello Suites, bar lines, Battey, Beethoven’s “Archduke” Trio, Brahms Double Concerto, Capucon, cello, cellobello, communication, complexity, conservatory, counting, dissonance, Feuermann, focused listening, great artists, great composers, intelligent artist, interpreter, interpretive decisions, intonation, melody, metrical organization, musical critic, musical phrasing, performer, phrase lengths, phrasing, powerful, recordings, resolution, robert, Rostropovich, score-study, slurs, studying, stunning effect, stylistic conventions, text, vibrato, Washington Post, Yo-Yo Ma, youtube
By Mark Summer October 4, 2012
Subjects Artistic Vision
By Robert Battey December 1, 2011
Subjects Practicing
Tags art, Battey, cello, cellobello, chamber music, coaching, conservatory, Development, discipline, ensemble, frustration, goals, music, music-making, robert, sight-reading, students, Teaching, Technique, workshops

By Blogmaster September 25, 2011
By Lev Mamuya June 20, 2011
Subjects Pre-College
Tags cello, cellobello, classical music, conservatory, festivals, freedom, lessons, Lev, Mamuya, music, passion, practice habits, rehearsals, stress, Summer