Playing intimately, but for the last row of the audience.
Projecting Pianissimo
- How to project soft sounds
- How to throw sound out to the audience
- How to make a soft sound with a core
- How to make a soft sound away from the fingerboard
- Upper arm weight should feel lifted and suspended
- A light friction or resistance from the cello is desirable
- The intention to project is an important psychological component
- Both core and resonance must be created by contact point and bow speed
- Maximize resonance and glow in the sound from bow speed and contact point
- Fuzzy sounds do not project

Paul Katz
Paul Katz is known for his 26-year career as cellist of the internationally acclaimed Cleveland Quartet; as a world-renown teacher…
See MoreCellosophy
"Fortissimo is dropping all arm weight into the cello, pianissimo is lifting all arm weight off of the cello… and then there is everything in-between!" -Gregor Piatigorsky
The Most Erogenous Region of the Cello
By Stefanie Buller | 04/19/2017