Tag: improvement
By Amit Peled January 6, 2018
By Natasha Farney December 5, 2013
By Arnold Steinhardt September 10, 2013
Subjects Artists, Repertoire
Tags accompany, arpeggios, artistry, assistant concertmaster, beauty, Beethoven, Boston, Boston Symphony Orchestra, bow, bow control, Camille Saint-Saëns, Carnival of the Animals, cello, cellobello, changes, child, CIM, Cleveland Institute of Music, Cleveland Orchestra, connections, creativity, depth, difference, discussion, double major, essence, exceptions, extended melodies, fiddlers, Hess, ideas, improvement, intimate, intonation, Jules Eskin, Mary, melody, music, musical essence, musicality, musicianship, permier music school, phrase, phrasing, phrasing alterations, piano, re-evaluate, respect, rocking, scientists, sections of music, singing, string quartets, swaying, The Swan, tone production, vibrato, violin master-class, work
By Gregory Beaver May 27, 2013
Subjects Playing Healthy, Practicing
Tags advanced breath control, aerobic exercise, Awareness, balance, Beaver, body, breath control, breathing, breathing with scales, CD player, cellists, cello, cellobello, chest, control, controlled frenzy, Coordination, diaphragm, emit sound, Gregory, heart rate, Improve your talent, improvement, light-headed, muscles, musicians, oxygen, practicing, relaxation, simple formula, skill, smoothness, stomach, strengthen the diaphragm, T’ai Chi, talent, Technique, trouble passages, unbalancing the body, weakness, yoga
By Gregory Beaver May 20, 2013
Subjects Playing Healthy, Practicing
By Avery Waite September 21, 2012
Subjects Artistic Vision
Tags adventure, Afghanistan, Avery, beauty, cello, cellobello, impact, improvement, intensity, Kabul, language, learning, musical language, patience, students, success, teacher, Teaching, traveling, Waite
By Aliza Stewart May 31, 2012
Subjects Playing Healthy
By Lev Mamuya April 8, 2012
Subjects Competition, Pre-College
Tags Accomplishment, Auditions, cello, cellobello, Competition, ego, improvement, knowledge, Lev, Mamuya, master classes, motivation, music, organization, performance, Practice, pressure, success
By Brant Taylor March 21, 2012
Subjects Practicing
By Martha Baldwin September 29, 2011
Subjects Playing Healthy
By Brant Taylor September 15, 2011
Subjects Practicing
By Brandon Vamos May 5, 2011
Subjects Practicing
Tags arpeggios, Brandon, career, cello, cellobello, challenges, Experience, focus, Growth, improvement, motivation, Performing, Practice, practicing, recording, scales, scheduling, school, student, success, Summer
By Bonnie Hampton May 4, 2011
Subjects Artistic Vision
Tags Bonnie, cello, cellobello, character, clarity, communication, Coordination, discussion, Experience, exploration, expression, Hampton, hands, improvement, individual voice, individuality, Listening, music, musicianship, passion, personality, possibilities, searching, Sound, Teaching, vibrato, virtuosity

By Melissa Kraut March 14, 2011
Subjects Artistic Vision
By Robert DeMaine March 14, 2011
Subjects Artistic Vision
Tags cello, improvement, performance, self, Teaching